The True History of Oz

The Next Chapter.
Is The First Chapter.

A whispered legend has it that L. Frank Baum took his OZ story from a mysterious series of books called The True History of OZ.

The Wizard of Oz, the beloved movie from 1939, and all the other adaptations and variations – in books, on TV, other movies, several new ones currently in development in Hollywood – are all based on the book The Wonderful Wizard of OZ by L. Frank Baum.

The problem is, that that source material – Baum’s book – is, according to this legend, wrong.

Or, to be more precise, L. Frank Baum took the idea for his OZ from The True History of OZ, written by a native of the actual OZ named Calista Z. Turns out, Baum stumbled upon this strange 5-volume history while going bankrupt running a general store in the Dakota Territories in 1890. How they came to be in the back room of his general store in the Dakota Territories is a book unto itself.

Baum, at first, did not like these stories. They were dark, violent, full of revenge, terrible secrets, gangs, vice, war, apocalyptic magic, and more.

Nevertheless, Baum, so the still unproven legend has it, recognized the power of the stories and the characters and the world in which they lived. He appreciated the ultimate lesson and theme of those books, which was: If change is possible, then hope is justified.

After reading and re-reading the 5 books dozens of times, he decided to turn it into a children’s story. He made it cute, silly, and sweet, and, of course, it then became one of the most beloved books ever, and he became a fabulously wealthy man.

From a bankrupt shopkeeper, to one of the wealthiest men in America, in a few short years, from one short book. Very curious.

But the real story of OZ, according to Calista Z., who was there, was not cute. Or silly.

Or sweet.

At all.

In other words, there are other words.

This is:

The True History of OZ.

[Limited Edition TTRPGs]

The True History of Oz

I, Calista X, swear that every word of this manuscript is true.

One day, Nick Chopper will destroy himself. I know this is true because I saw it happen. The fact that he destroyed himself to save the rest of us is also true, no matter what you might’ve heard. That might be the reason why I am writing this book. But the real truth is that I don’t know why I am writing this book. It is writing itself. It is magic. The only magic I am capable of in this land of magic, though it’s not really my magic. This compulsion I have, to put these words down, comes from somewhere outside of me. I don’t understand it, and I may have lost my mind in the writing of it. When I say that Nick, sweet Nick, poor Nick, destroys himself and I saw it happen, I don’t even know what that means. They’re just words. Are these words prophesy? Heresy? Insanity? The words pour out of me every night after I close the pub, walk home alone, and sit here at this desk. I have no life other than these words. I entertain no one else’s attention. Since Callie left, I am always alone. I can’t bear to read what I’ve written; I just move to the next word. The only thing that I know is that every word is true. How do I know this, you ask? How can I know this is all true, yet not even be conscious of what I am writing? Able to tell you of, or explain, not a single word that I have written in these thousands of pages, written over many years? I believe I know the reason. There is no other explanation possible.

I believe I have been visited by The Mysteries.

And The Mysteries have spoken.

Through me.

I, Calista, swear that every word of this manuscript is true, that I have no memory of writing it, and cannot tell you a single thing about its contents.

These manuscripts are The True History of OZ.

The Mysteries have spoken.

The Five Books:

  1. The Tin Man Runs the Town
  2. The Birth of Magic and the Death of Death.
  3. Follow the Trail of Betrayal (The Desert)
  4. There’s No Place Like Home – When the Battle is Done and the War Has Been Won. (The Long Journey Home – The Crossover)
  5. Dorothy and the End of the Beginning

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